Outstanding Inservice Training Programs for Your School, Agency, or Organization

Frequently Requested Topics Include:

Managing Students with ADHD and Related Conditions

Controlling for distractibility and fidgeting, meeting ADA, 504 and IDEA federal guidelines for “reasonable accommodation,” powerful shortcuts for any teacher in any classroom, forming a school-home alliance, etc.

High Powered Solutions to Misbehavior

A reassuring array of common-sense options to get parents out of the ignore-nag-yell-spank cycle by discarding ineffective methods, uncovering the hidden purposes of misbehavior, then using that knowledge as a guide for healing and for preventing further misbehavior.

Other topics are also available, such as: Encouraging the discouraged child, child discipline, oppositional defiant disorder, diagnostic strategies, and nutrition and health aspects of ADD. Call us to make arrangements.

These training opportunities are also regularly available in the United States and Canada as seminars sponsored by Parentology. They overflow with practical solutions and are very reasonably priced. Check our seminar schedule for the current itinerary.

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