Online Events

New Webinar Series: Parentology.guide’s Awareness for Educators

These webinars have been specifically designed and produced by Dr. John Taylor for educators who desire a convenient, enjoyable way to obtain graduate school university credits in fulfillment of district and/or state continuing education requirements.

Each webinar can be used to provide the basis for a 1-hour to 4-hour graduate-level credit option through the University of the Pacific. Each credit-hour requires a reflection paper and time log of 15 hours. Choose the webinar you wish to obtain, view it, then register for 1,2,3, or 4 credits at $62 per credit at UOP’s website, teacherfriendly.com.

Help Students with In-class Performance: Course # EDUP-9363;
Help Students with Out-of-class Performance: Course # EDUP-9362;
Encouraging the Discouraged Student: Course # EDUP-9364

After you have viewed one of these webinars, simply use this link to sign up for the credits:

Help Students with In-Class Performance

Research indicates that the presence of each student with ADHD usurps about 15% of the average classroom teacher’s time and energy. Here’s your chance to learn how to prevent this energy drain and keep all students attentive and productive in class to elicit maximum effort from students with attention and focus problems.

Help Students with Out-of-class Performance

Here’s your chance to learn how to bring students to a new, higher level of accomplishment from their out-of-classroom efforts. As a result, they are more likely to become more attentive, participatory and productive in class.  Many of these strategies are described and demonstrated in Dr. Taylor’s books, booklets, and audio and video productions in this subject area.

Encouraging the Discouraged Student

Equipped with this assortment of high-impact uplift techniques, you can help insure them against perfectionism and giving up. You can show them how to be more resilient against feelings of discouragement and even turn their imperfections and mistakes into stepping stones toward improving their lives.

Past Webinar Recordings

These webinars are of about two hours duration; some are of slightly more and some are of less than two hours.

How to Get Out of the Ignore-Nag-Yell-Punish Cycle

Good discipline doesn’t mean an endless parade of nagging, scolding, time-outs, or punishments. Instead, it emphasizes preventing misbehavior in the first place, confronting promptly when misbehavior occurs, then guiding the child or teen toward improved self-control in the future.  More information about this webinar.

Please Sit Still, Pay Attention & Get Your Schoolwork Done!

This two-hour webinar features a kaleidoscope of practical no-cost teaching strategies and classroom techniques that teachers as well as your student (K-12) will enjoy using to improve attention and concentration and control excessive energy and fidgeting. More information about this webinar.

Care and Feeding of Your Child’s Brain

This two-hour webinar shows you how these various factors inter-relate to either enhance or disrupt your child’s brain functioning on any particular day, regardless of the presence or absence of serious mental health impairments such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. More information about this webinar.

Mega-answers for ADHD, With and Without Hyperactivity

This two-hour webcast presents high-powered methods of assisting children and teens with ADHD, whether or not they have hyperactivity. ADHD reflects a lot more than disrupted brain functioning; other body parts are usually involved, Dr. Taylor, a leading authority on this topic, will explain what to watch out for when helping someone who has ADHD.  More information about this webinar.

Over 50 Sleep Solutions for Kids and Teens

Adequate sleep is essential for your child’s success at school and for self-control, mental alertness and emotional control during the day. Sleeping pills aren’t the answer. More information about this webinar.

How to REALLY Bully-Proof Your Child

School violence, shootings and cyber-bullying are very real threats for today’s children and teens. A sense of personal safety is basic to emotional health and essential for happiness and success at school and within the community. Waiting for the police to solve everything isn’t the answer. More information about this webinar.

Real Answers for Oppositional Defiance

Yes, there are real answers for preventing the power plays and shouting matches that would otherwise scar relationships and destroy the warmth and spirit of cooperation that should prevail. Learn how in this webinar.

Wise Stress Management: Real Answers for Anxiety

This reassuring webinar details the four major types of self-calming. It explains the telltale signs of emotional and physical overload, and how to prevent stress build-up with routine stress-prevention activities. Learn how in this webinar.

Mornings with a Touch-Defensive Child

This reassuring webinar provides nitty-gritty answers and detailed solutions that can transform mornings from tragic power struggles and tantrums into happier, smoother routines for launching each day. Learn how in this webinar.

Real Answers for Asperger’s Syndrome

The many powerful strategies provided in this webinar are helpful as part of professional intervention and also useful in training of school personnel and parents in their management of the child or teen. Learn how in this webinar.

Real Answers for Sensory Processing Impairments

This reassuring webinar provides nitty-gritty answers and detailed solutions that can transform mornings from tragic power struggles and tantrums into happier, smoother routines for launching each day. Learn how in this webinar.

You Can’t Make Me

Based on his decades of family therapy practice, Dr. John Taylor will show you how to stay out of power struggles and stop the endless parade of nagging, scolding, time-outs, and punishments. This webinar is intended to improve the atmosphere in your family and your comfort with this aspect of your role as a parent.  Learn how in this webinar.

Helping Kids and Teens on Prescribed Diets

Dietitians, nutritionists and physicians commonly report that medical diets fail most often because of psychological factors, not nutritional factors. This webinar shows you ways to help the child or teen cooperatively assume a correct share of responsibility for obeying the prescribed dietary measures. Learn how in this webinar.

ADHD Close-up: Birth through Kindergarten

Most children with ADHD are significantly different from their peers throughout toddlerhood and the preschool years. This webinar explains the markers, predictors and distinctive traits that can sharpen your ability to identify ADHD and start effective treatment interventions long before the widespread but unwise “wait until first grade” mentality. Learn how in this webinar.

Improving Young Children’s Conscience

The overall objective of this unique webinar is to provide you with a wealth of practical new strategies for high-impact intervention to assist the parent of any young child, or the child directly, in these crucial areas of social adjustment. Learn how in this webinar.

Pharmaceuticals for ADHD? How to Get Better Results

This cutting-edge webinar reveals additional interventions that tend to enhance the intended effects while minimizing those troublesome side effects. Including these additional strategies allows pharmaceutical treatment to become more successful. Learn how in this webinar.

Can You Reduce ADHD by Avoiding Toxic Chemicals?

This webinar details the major components of this method and the array of chemicals it asks the child with ADHD to avoid. This fascinating webinar also provides real answers to some tough questions aaout ADHD treatment. Learn how in this webinar.

How to Identify and Redeem Child Abuse

Each of the six major types of child abuse has its own unique set of goals the parent is trying to accomplish and predictable responses from the child. This webinar lays bare these patterns and opens the way for truly effective, powerful interventions to stop the abuse and redirect the parent’s energy into constructive improvements. Learn how in this webinar.

Encouraging the Discouraged Child or Teen

Equipped with this assortment of high-impact uplift techniques, you can help insure them against perfectionism and giving up. You can show them how to be more resilient against feelings of discouragement and even turn their imperfections and mistakes into stepping stones toward improving their lives.

Featured Mini Webinars are approximately 15 minutes long and are FREE!

Empathy Webinar

Anger Webinar - Part I

Anger Webinar - Part II

Anger Webinar - Part III

The 5 Types of Misbehavior

Friendship Skills

Cooperation with Routines

Family Meetings

Upgrade Your Intimacy with Your Child

The Lowdown on Natural Consequences

Bedtime and Tuck Ins

The Art of Helping Your Child

Teaching Kids How to Apologize

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