The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens



A self-guiding workbook to help teens and tweens overcome shyness and social anxiety.



Suitable for independent use by the reader or accompanied by a parent or helping professional while using it, this workbook helps challenge and refute the faulty self-talk underlying crippling social anxiety. It presents twelve topic clusters, each explained in comfortable, non-clinical terms and inviting a brief action such as filling in blank lines to a stimulus question. The topics include how to differentiate shyness vs. anxiety, understand the thoughts-feelings-action connection, stop distorted perceptions and thoughts, uproot perfectionism, do values-based thinking, gradually face stresses more calmly, establish realistic goals, troubleshoot snagged attempts at defusing anxiety, and use mistakes wisely. This book also features a helpful discussion of pharmaceutical and counseling options.


uthor:      Jennifer Shannon


ISBN:         978-16088-21877


Pages:       130


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