The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom



Adjust preschool centers and routines to special-needs children with many facets of classroom structure and processes.



This book promotes nurturing and stimulating preschool environments while detailing suitable modifications for children with developmental delays, orthopedic impairments, autism spectrum, ADHD, muscle control (motor planning), and visual impairments. Most of these conditions reflect sensory processing impairments, as discussed in Dr. John Taylor’s landmark guide, “Understanding Sensory Processing Impairments.” This guide for educators  features extensive checklists of appropriate accommodations for these types of special needs. In addition, major topic areas include modifications and accommodations for circle time, art activities, sand and water activities, block play, dramatic play, snack time, transitions, fine-motor activities, indoor play and outdoor play.


Author:     Patti Gould & Joyce Sullivan



ISBN:        978-08765-92038


Pages:       204


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