Real Answers for Asperger’s Syndrome


The many powerful strategies provided in this webinar are helpful as part of professional intervention and also useful in training of school personnel and parents in their management of the child or teen.


Previously known as “high functioning autism” and “Asperger’s syndrome,” the condition currently called “autism spectrum disorder” (ASD) creates great confusion and frustration among parents and family members. It involves many sensory processing impairments and presents numerous challenges for teachers and potential employers of young adults with this condition. Symptoms are socially and academically crippling and can start early in childhood and persist throughout the person’s lifetime. Only 1 in 5 seem to be successfully adjusted as adults.

This webinar is especially helpful for parents. It shows how to recognize the eight key defining behavior clusters along with a wealth of practical measures to assist the affected individual and the family. It details the sensory processing impairments, impaired social judgment, profound compulsiveness and concrete logic that are cornerstone features of the symptom picture. It also helps you understand and contend with other defining characteristics, such as the correlation with IQ, mechanical inclinations, irascibility, and impairment of muscle control.

Dr. Taylor shows you how to adjust your communication style for more efficient navigating of day-to-day interactions. He helps you address issues crucial to improving life for these individuals, including their social adjustment, arranging their immediate surroundings to minimize symptoms, and training them in “reading” body language of others. He also demonstrates how to upgrade conflict management skills, divert the need to tattle, and get them to improve their interpersonal attractiveness. This webinar features many additional crucial ways to improve the overall behavior and thought processes of any child, teen or young adult with this condition.

After participating in this webinar, you will be able to cite dozens of helpful ways to:

  • Reduce tattling and social conflict
  • Improve awareness of other’s feelings
  • Improve adjustment at school or work settings
  • Compensate for concrete logic and compulsiveness
  • Take advantage of strengths such as mechanical skills
  • Recognize (and teach others) the eight defining clusters
  • …and much, much more


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