Positive Discipline for Teenagers, 3rd Edition



A practical guide to imparting improved self-control and conscience in teens and tweens.



Like all of the Positive Discipline series, this book reflects the same overall viewpoint on child rearing favored by Dr. John F. Taylor and is excellent as a guide for a parent discussion group. This popular parenting guidebook contains an excellent balance of firmness and warmth, and it emphasizes logical and natural consequences along with the process of encouragement, a superior alternative to judgmental praise. It provides enlightened guidance to any parent about common discipline issues and the development of conscience and improving self-control of a teen or preteen.  Topics include how to foster honest parent-teen discussions, handle online temptations and risks, turn mistakes into opportunities, set self-change goals with the teenager, avoid pitfalls like excessive control and excessive permissiveness, and related issues. This is one of safest and best general purpose parenting guides for the parent of a teen or preteen.


Author: Jane Nelsen Ed.D. & Lynn Lott


ISBN:   978-07704-36551


Pages: 266


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