Movement is a key to sensory integration, and giving preschoolers a wide array of compelling, sensory-enhancing movement experiences can decrease the overall symptom picture of those who develop sensory processing impairments involving muscle control skills. This comprehensive guide describes over 50 child-initiated, teacher-facilitated movement activities for use therapeutically with special-needs preschoolers and to aid normal development in neurotypical preschoolers. Topics include the developmental evolution of motility (hopping, skipping, running), creating a meaningful movement curriculum, play in motion, observing the child’s movements, assessment of movement abilities, recreational and mobility equipment to use, using music and rhythm, phases of preschool movement skill development, special education requirements and services, assessing for and composing an IEP, forming an effective IEP team, maximizing parent-teacher coordination, and a suggested forty-week curriculum plan.
Author: Renee McCall & Diane Craft, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-08801-19764
Pages: 242
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