Mornings with a Touch-Defensive Child


This reassuring webinar provides nitty-gritty answers and detailed solutions that can transform mornings from tragic power struggles and tantrums into happier, smoother routines for launching each day.


Sensory processing impairments reflect the brain’s mishandling of messages from various body parts and organs. Of the four major kinds of sensory processing impairments, sensory avoidance causes the most disruption in classrooms and homes. Sensory avoidance involving the sense of touch often results in sensations of intense pain or feelings of terror during routine skin-contact experiences.

For the parent of a child who can’t tolerate being touched, morning personal care (bathing, teeth brushing, and getting dressed) can generate a nightmare of conflict within the family. This reassuring webinar provides nitty-gritty answers and detailed solutions that can transform mornings from tragic power struggles and tantrums into happier, smoother routines for launching each day.

These solutions are practical, easy to follow and inherently fun and attractive for children and teens who experience touch-avoidance symptoms. They open the way for sensory-friendly, conflict-free bathing and showering. They also make hair care simpler and much more tolerable, including hair washing, drying, brushing, combing, and cutting.

This webinar also includes solutions for getting dressed, including dealing with eyeglasses along with head wear and foot wear. Because mouth and fingertip issues are predominant among children with touch defensiveness, this webinar also provides solutions for fingernail and toenail trimming as well as teeth flossing and brushing.

After participating in this webinar, you will be able to cite dozens of helpful ways to reduce difficulties in morning routines involving:

  • hair care
  • getting dressed
  • bathing and showering
  • fingernail and toenail care
  • teeth brushing and flossing
  • …and much, much more


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