Learn to Have Fun with Your Senses



Dr. John Taylor’s landmark guide to help children stop over-responding to light, sound, touch, and other sensations.



As explained in the book “Understanding Sensory Processing Impairments,” sensory avoidance occurs in a variety of psychiatric conditions, including ADHD and autism. This book addresses children (ages 6 – 16) who are sensory avoiders. Dr. Taylor explains how to stop over-responding and how to cope with hypersensitivities among the various sensory modalities. It is a guide that puts sensory processing impairments into understandable language that makes real sense for the young reader. The reader actually identifies his or her own symptoms with a delightful checklist for each sense.  It portrays 120 therapeutic activities such as those often directed by a sensory-motor therapist (OT, PT, SLP). It includes helpful guidance about overall symptom reduction by improving sleep, stress coping, nutrition, and avoidance of unnecessary exposure to brain toxins. It invites the reader into full cooperation with the therapist guiding the treatment of the condition involving sensory avoidance symptoms.


Author: John F. Taylor, Ph.D.


ISBN 978-19355-67240


Pages 144


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