Just Take A Bite



A classic, highly-regarded guide for helping infants and toddlers overcome food aversions and eating challenges.



Fussy, picky eating and food aversions reflect sensory processing impairments and are often accompaniments to autism and ADHD, as explained in Dr. John Taylor’s landmark guide, “Understanding Sensory Processing Impairments.” This well-respected book about resolving these oral sensory issues gives clear guidelines for a comprehensive treatment plan for solving mealtime struggles with young children who are fussy, picky eaters. Topics include guidelines of oral development up to age three, causes of feeding problems, surmounting these sensory-based difficulties, cultural and medical issues, and related issues.


Author Lori Ernsperger, Ph.D. & Tania Stegen-Hanson


ISBN 978-19325-65126


Pages 252


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